What We Believe In
Re-posted from Rhode Island Democratic Party Webpage
As Democrats, we believe that if you work hard, you deserve the opportunity to earn a good life, and that the economy should work for everybody, not just those at the top.
We believe in supporting businesses that create jobs here in Rhode Island and do right by their workers.
We believe every Rhode Islander should have access to quality, affordable health care, and no one should go broke because they are/become ill, injured or disabled.
We believe all children in Rhode Island are our highest priority and deserve a safe living environment, caring support, high quality education in safe schools, regardless of family income or zip code.
We believe all of us are entitled to clean air and water and safe, livable communities. We believe in preserving our precious natural resources.
We believe in improving, upgrading and modernizing our transportation systems – rail, road, and air, our infrastructure, schools, and public services.
We believe everyone should be treated fairly and equally under the law, have the freedom to make their own choices in health, housing, education, and live the life they want, without regard to color, race, gender, or country of birth, in safe communities.
We believe this nation was built on the strength of its many immigrants and must have fair and just policies for those who come to our shores from distant lands.
We believe in an open and ethical government that should work for all of us, not just the well-connected and those with special interests.
We believe in a criminal justice system that respects human rights of all and treats everyone fairly.
We believe we all have a responsibility to ourselves, our families and our communities, and in the promise of prosperity and independence Rhode Island’s founders envisioned.
What We Are Fighting For
Rhode Island Democrats stand for policies that support strong, healthy communities and families, a strong economy with opportunities for all, and a fundamental system of fairness and justice. We believe government has a vital role in creating healthy communities and a vibrant business environment. We believe that essential elements of an attractive business environment include a healthy, well-trained workforce, quality public education, affordable housing and a comprehensive transportation and communication infrastructure. We are committed to upholding the right of every eligible voter to cast their ballot free from unreasonable restrictions. These values inform the policies that Rhode Island Democrats support. To read the platform adopted by the 2018 Rhode Island Democratic Party Platform Committee, click here.
RI Democratic Party Bylaws
The Rhode Island Democratic Party bylaws are the rules made by the party to determine the course of action for party members. The current bylaws were drafted in March 2011 and have remained firmly in place since. The bylaws contain 14 articles and cover everything from general rules of order to proper conduct of members. You can find the full document here.